Natural, ecological and economical alternatives to household products.

How do you choose your household products to maintain your home?Here we suggest you some recipes to obtain, easily and quickly, economic and ecological products.

You are certainly wondering why these suggestions are made, because this is not what is lacking in traditional and organic stores.

Do  you know that:

- Products with strong disinfectant properties kill good bacteria that keep your home healthy? (Use should be restricted to hospitals.)

- Children often exposed to bleach have a 35% chance of contracting angina and virus.

- Deodorizers emit volatile organic compounds that can affect lung health.

- Degreasers and bathroom disinfectants, as well as single-use wipes, are often made from hazardous ingredients to be handled.

- Soil cleaners are often composed of endocrine disruptors and can be a source of indoor air pollution.

- Industrial products are often made up of irritants, allergens and non-biodegradable substances.

Here are the alternatives we offer

  • Instead of multisurface cleaning spray, use water and vinegar (equal quantuty).Add 4 drops of organic lemon essential oil.
  • Instead of bleach, use vinegard.
  • Instead of industrial deodorizer, degreaser and disinfectant, use baking soda.
  • Instead of the disinfectant wipes, use a damp soaked in vinegar.
  • Instead of floor cleaner, use a mix of 1/2 bucket of water for 1 tablespoon of liquid black soap.
  • Instead of dishwashing liquid, use liquid black soap mixed with a little water (hot water for maximum degreasing power).