Declutter your home for sale or move

Whether it is for a move, in order to put your house up for sale soon or simply to occupy your days in these times of confinement, decluttering your house certainly has several unsuspected benefits, including the power to reduce your stress and improve your morale. Indeed, living in an orderly place has beneficial effects on your mood. In addition, you will not have to move everything and you will only bring with you what is really useful and which will represent a good addition to your new space. Keep in mind that your new home may be different from your current space, and that everything may not be right, both in terms of furniture and objects.

The 3 categories

A good idea for sorting is to divide the objects into three distinct categories: to keep, to give and to put in the trash / recycling. There is a rule that says that if we haven't used an item for the past year, we get rid of it. Try to follow this rule to be effective.

Questions to ask

Is it really useful? Do I really use it? Or does it just collect dust? If the answer to the first two questions is no, give or throw. If, on the contrary, we answer yes to these questions, we keep. While some objects may have sentimental value, be careful not to be overly emotional when it comes to making a decision about how to keep them. It is often at the time of decluttering that we realize how much we have accumulated objects over the years that only clutter our apartment or our house.

Establish a schedule for decluttering

The decluttering process can take a long time, so it's best to get started early enough when a move is in sight, or even well before starting the boxes. It is also important to think about this in advance if you are considering selling your property, since you will need to take pictures of the different rooms in your home. Rooms will look larger if they are removed from unnecessary items and furniture. In addition, you will have a head start when it comes to welcoming potential buyers when visiting your property.

Make a schedule to make it easier. Whether it's a specific period or several times of the week, the important thing is to do it and start piece by piece. Satisfaction will be greatest when you finish clearing a room completely and you will feel like you have achieved a goal.

Are you ready to declutter your house with a view to putting it up for sale or moving?