Designing a small backyard: 8 tips for a beautiful outdoor space

Designing a small backyard can be a difficult task. However, with a little creativity and planning, you can transform your backyard into a functional and comfortable space that meets all your needs.

We share some tips for designing your small backyard to maximize space.

1. Make a plan for your backyard layout
2. Create a focal point
3. Define zones for your yard
4. Use vertical space
5. Choose your outdoor furniture strategically
6. Make your own DIY projects
7. Add lighting
8. Choose the right types of plants

1. Make a plan for your backyard layout

As the space in your yard is limited, take the time to carefully plan what you are looking for and how you will exploit each corner. Evaluate your space and identify what you want to keep, improve or remove. If the lack of space removes certain possibilities, it leaves room for even more creativity.

2. Create a focal point

A focal point is a technique used to catch the eye and add visual interest to the space. In a small backyard, it helps to make the place look bigger and create a sense of depth. To create the focal point effect, the element must stand out while maintaining consistency with the rest of the yard. One thinks for example of a fountain, a garden sculpture, a single plant or tree.

3. Define zones for your yard

For the layout of your small backyard, consider creating zones. Delimited spaces, such as a lunch nook, a gardening nook or a resting nook, will help you make your yard more functional and get the most out of it.

To delimit your spaces, you can create paths, build privacy walls, use plants, etc.

4. Use vertical space

One solution to designing a small backyard is to use overhead space to maximize square footage. You can install vertical storage or trellises. Along the same lines, with hanging plants or wall planters, you add greenery without taking up too much floor space. It can also help add privacy to your yard.

5. Choose your outdoor furniture strategically

Including furniture in your small backyard is key to creating a comfortable and inviting space. You should not only select furniture that is compact, suitable for your needs, but also should arrange it advantageously so as not to create clutter.

Furniture ideas suitable for small backyards:

  • A small bistro set
  • Retractable furniture
  • A bench
  • A hanging balcony table with stools
  • Etc.

Un choix de meubles stratégique pour aménager sa petite cour arrière

6. Make your own DIY projects

For small backyards, consider doing your own DIY projects to maximize space. For example, if you want to have a planter on a stand, but cannot find the right size, build it yourself with the dimensions that suit you. By tinkering yourself, you adapt as you wish to create a unique and tailor-made space.

7. Add lighting

Good lighting helps make a small backyard more comfortable and inviting, especially in the evening. Opt for string lights or pathway lights to really illuminate the yard.

Use lighting to emphasize the elements of your yard that you want as the focal point or your plants.

8. Choose the right types of plants

When selecting plants for a small backyard, avoid those that grow huge so as not to overwhelm the space. Focus more on more compact plants like small trees, dwarf varieties or those that can be pruned to stay small.

Your plants can be used to divide areas, create a privacy screen or draw attention to the focal point for example.

Faire le bon choix de plante pour l'aménagement de sa petite cour arrière

A small backyard does not limit your landscaping aspirations. With the right preparation, even the smallest outdoor spaces can be transformed into a practical and comfortable extension of your home.