John Kranitz
Real Estate Broker
- Phone number: 514-941-3066
- Office number: (514)933-5800
- Agency: 514-933-5800
"Start with success, finish with success" - JOHN KRANITZ (514) 941-3066
Interview me for your residential and commercial real estate sales, purchasing and rentals.
100 Things that I do that you will love...
I can embrace change.
I’m resilient.
I have an appreciation for nature.
I have a great sense of humor.
I am honest.
I’m a supportive best friend.
I’m a great listener.
I’m independent.
I’m working on my self confidence.
I’m a dreamer.
I have amazing cooking skills.
I’m a fast learner.
I treat those around me with respect.
I’m happy in my own company.
I’m okay with being a work in progress.
I’m filled with positive energy.
I can step outside my comfort zone.
I love my little quirks.
I’m detail oriented.
I take care of my mental health.
I understand my self worth.
I appreciate the little things in life.
I am filled with so much love to give.
I’m trustworthy.
I help others with my skills and talents.
I am dependable.
I’m focused on my own self improvement.
I have great make-up skills.
I have a real zest for life.
I appreciate the simple pleasures in life.
I’m a good friend to those around me.
I’m working on my self esteem.
I see the positive things in life.
I stay strong through hard times.
I’m great at learning new things.
I tackle problems with confidence.
I use my struggles to help others.
I am creative.
I’m committed to living a good life.
I advocate for others.
I believe in a better world for all.
I love those that I call family.
I’m working on my insecurities.
I’m a talented musician.
I’m big hearted.
I’m ready to embrace new challenges.
I’m hard working.
I look out for others.
I am grateful.
I take good care of animals.
I’m generous.
I’m a great problem solver.
I only take what I need.
I can navigate bad days like a pro.
I love personal growth.
I invest in my own self care needs.
I’m good with money.
I’m ready to stand my ground.
I’m making more eco-friendly choices.
I share with others.
I’m authentic.
I learn from my mistakes.
I’m polite and respectful.
I can apologize and move on.
I’m optimistic.
I’m great at keeping my home tidy and clean.
I get excited about the holidays.
I am strong.
I’m working on my physical health.
I make people laugh.
I have a unique perspective on life.
I honor my responsibilities and commitments.
I care for others.
I have a great sense of style.
I am organized.
I have a talent for learning languages.
I’m there to comfort others.
I make amazing leftovers.
I’m upbeat.
I strive to coach and support those around me.
I love what I do for work.
I’m easy to spend time with.
I’m happy to lead or let others lead.
I am working on myself.
I’m a good role model.
I can let go of grudges.
I’m not afraid to try new things.
I am content.
I can make it through any challenge.
I’m great at sticking with good habits.
I’m not afraid to be honest.
I buy things that last.
I’m always fair.
I get up when I get knocked down.
I don’t let the bad things overwhelm me.
I have a talent for home decorating.
I am cheerful.
I accept and love myself.
I make better choices every day.
I’m on a self love journey.
I’m generous with my loved ones.
I’m capable of amazing things.
I will live a meaningful life.
I embrace my uniqueness.
I’m resilient when things go wrong.
I’m a good listener.
I’m on a wellness journey.